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==== The information on this wiki may be out of date.====
====Please see for the latest information====
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OpenDaylight is a highly available, modular, extensible, scalable and multi-protocol controller infrastructure built for SDN deployments on modern heterogeneous multi-vendor networks. OpenDaylight provides a model-driven service abstraction platform that allows users to write apps that easily work across a wide variety of hardware and south-bound protocols.
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'''Installing, Running and Usage'''
* [ Download]
* [ Install Guide]
* [[Deployment|Deployment Guide]]
* [ Administration Guide]
* [ Use Cases]
* [[Presentations]]
* [[Mailing Lists]]
* [ Q&amp;A Forum]
* [[IRC|Talk to us! (On IRC)]]
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* [[GettingStarted:Development Environment Setup|Getting Started: Dev Environment Setup]]
* [[GettingStarted:Pulling, Hacking, and Pushing All the Code from the CLI|Getting Started: Get the code!]]
* [[OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Startup_Project_Archetype|Startup Project Archetype]]
* [[BestPractices|Best Practices]]
* [ JavaDoc]
* [[OpenDaylight Bugs|Report a Bug]]
* [[Security:Main|Reporting a Security Bug]]
* [[Security:Advisories|Security Advisories]]
* [[Releases:Main|Releases]]
* [[Weather|Status of Release (Weather)]]
* [[Infrastructure:Nexus|Infrastructure Guide]]
* [ OpenDaylight Architecture (Current)]
* [[API_Reference|API Reference]]
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'''Engage with the Community'''
* [[IRC|Chat with us on IRC]]
* Community Gatherings
** [[OpenDaylight Advisory Group:Main|Advisory Group]]
** [[TSC:Main|Technical Steering Committee]]
** [[Tech Work Stream:Main|Technical Work Stream]]
** [[Meetings|Project Specific Meetings]]
* [[Project list|Projects List]] 
* [[Project Proposals:Main|Proposing a new Project]]

* [ Open Source Networking User Groups]
* [[ODLUG ContentSharing:Main|User Groups Presenter Portal]]
* [[Interns|Internship Program]]
* [[Events:Main|Events]]
* [[Wiki gardening|Wiki Maintenance]]
* [ OpenDaylight Leadership]

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===== If you are having trouble navigating the new starting page, please [[Main Page Old|click here]] to access the old starting page.  Please provide feedback to [ Casey Cain] =====

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To access the deprecated OpenDaylight account creation form, currently you need to click the colorful icon [;item=user_registration_menu here].'''''</rev>